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Jawr JSP tag libraries

Jawr provides a tag library used to generate tags that import our bundles to clients of our application.

JS and CSS tags

One tag will used to generate script tags for javascript resources, and another will generate link tags for CSS resources.  

Both tags have a src attribute in which you specify either the name of a bundle or the path to a member of a bundle. In either case, the taglib will do as follows:

  • The page request headers will be analyzed to check whether the current client browser will accept gzip encoding or not. Depending on this, the generated URLs will point to the regular or the gzipped versions of the bundles.
    • Internet Explorer has issues with gzip encoded resources under certain circumstances. This affects version 6 partially, since Service Pack 2 fixed all problems. If you wish to be 100% sure that you will not run into such problems, you may set the jawr.gzip.ie6.on flag to false in the descriptor. This will disable gzipping for IE versions 6 and lower. However, the worst problems in Internet Explorer are related to Vary headers needed when the same URL points to a resource that is gzipped on demand. Jawr does not use this header by having a completely different path for gzipped and regular versions of the same file, so for most cases it should be fine to use gzipping with IE.  

On some versions, though, it is said that compressed CSS in cache is not decompressed after restarting the browser and visiting a page that uses the resource, which results in the CSS not working properly.  

The bottom line is that, unless your application runs on a controlled environment such as a corporate intranet, it will be the safest to set the jawr.gzip.ie6.on flag to false.

  • Any global bundle will be added in the specified order. See the bundle definition manual for more info on this. If the global bundles have already been added to the page by a previous tag, this step is skipped.
  • Then the corresponding bundle is resolved, either by name or by finding a bundle to which the path belongs to.
    • If the debug mode is off, a link to the bundle is then rendered, unless it had already been included by a previous tag.
    • Otherwise, a link is rendered to each member of the bundle, adding a random request parameter to the URL, to prevent the browser from caching any resource. Again, no resources will be linked again if a previous tag did it first. Also, processing HTML comments are added so a developer will easily follow how bundles would be processed in production mode.

Another attribute common to both tags is useRandomParam. As stated before, in development mode a random request parameter is added to the URL to avoid caching. However, sometimes a developer may need to use a cached version of a file to debug it (firebug, for instance ‘forgets’ break point locations when reloading a parameterized script). To avoid this, add this attribute and set it to ‘false’ so that the parameter is no longer added. Note that in production mode this attribute is ignored and thus has no effect.


In order to use any of the tags, you will need to import the taglib to your page, like this:

        <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="jwr" %>

The script tag

This tag has only one mandatory attribute, the aforementioned src. To see how it works, imagine we had a mapping like this in our config file:

Then, in a JSP we type the following:

        <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="jwr" %>
                <!-- Invoking the bundle by name -->
                <jwr:script src="/bundles/fooBundle.js"/> 

                <!-- Invoking the bundle by using the path of one of its members -->
                <jwr:script src="/js/bar.js"/> 

The result is that when the JSP is executed with Jawr in production mode, something like the following is written to the page:

        <script type="text/javascript" src="/myWarContext/global01/bundles/global.js" ></script>
        <script type="text/javascript" src="/myWarContext/foo01/bundles/fooBundle.js" ></script>

This might be unexpected: a link to the global bundle was written first, even though no specific tag invoked it. That is precisely what global bundles are about: they will always be included whenever you use a Jawr tag in a page, before any other bundle. This way, commonly used libraries are implicitly available everywhere.  

Although we wrote two tags in the JSP with paths corresponding to the foo bundle, only one script link is written out. It would be pointless to link twice to the same resource in a page, so Jawr will only write each different link once.  

The link itself, as you can see, is composed of the application context path, the prefix we specified for the bundle, and the bundle id.  

Here is the list of the Javascript tag attributes:

Attribute name Type Purpose Default value
src String The bundle path none
useRandomParam Boolean The flag indicating if we must use random must use random in debug mode true
async Boolean The async flag. false
defer String The defer lag. false

The style tag

Aside from the mandatory src attribute, this tag has an optional media attribute. Use it if you need to set a specific media type for a CSS bundle. If this attribute is not set it will be rendered as media=“screen”. For example:

                        Invoking the bundle by name. 
                        The generated link will have media="screen"  
        <jwr:style src="/bundles/someCSSbundle.css"/>

        <!-- Invoking the bundle by using the path of one of its members and setting the media attribute. -->
        <jwr:style src="/css/printer.css" media="print" />
  • Style links closing type Depending on which type of pages you are serving (html or xhtml) you might need the link tags to be closed in different ways in order for your pages to validate or even work properly across all browsers. To change the way the tags are closed, you can set a configuration property (at your file), named jawr.csslinks.flavor. The possible values and their result is:
    • xhtml: this is the default, so you don’t really need to set the property unless you need to be explicit about it. With this value, the tags are closed inline as in the previous example (/>).
    • xhtml_ext: tags will be closed with a separate closing tab (>/link).
    • html: tags will not be closed, as determined by the HTML spec (>).
  • Alternate / title attribute

Jawr allows you to define alternate stylesheets and to set the title attribute of your CSS links.

            <jwr:style src="/css/cssBundle.css" alternate="true" title="myBlueStyle"/>

will generate :

            <link href="/myWarContext/gzip_6c3901a019f50bad406084bd7a1b8a5/css/cssBundle.css" media="all" type="text/css" rel="alternate stylesheet" title="myBlueStyle">

If the reference of your cssBundle is a CSS bundle with skin variants, you can force the skin variant to use by setting the alternate attribute to true and the title to the skin name to use. This will override the skin set by the user.

  • Display CSS skin alternate styles

Since the version 3.3, Jawr support CSS skins. This means that a CSS bundle can have multiple skins, which will be displayed depending on the user current skin. This skin information is stored in a cookie. Please check the following link for more detail.
By default, if you reference a skinned CSS bundle, Jawr will render the one which match the user defined skin.
If you use the property displayAlternate, Jawr will render one link to the bundle which match the user skin, and it will also renders the other CSS links as alternate stylesheets.
For example, if you have the bundle which has 3 skins : “aqua”,“greyStorm” and “blueSky”.
If the current user skin is greyStorm, Jawr will render the links as followed.

            <jwr:style src="/css/skinnedBundle.css" displayAlternate="true"/>

will generate :

            <link href="/myWarContext/gzip_6c3901a019f50bad406084bd7a1b8a5.greyStorm/css/skinnedBundle.css" media="all" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
            <link href="/myWarContext/gzip_f569a1f55841b7a97f0d176719fe872.aqua/css/skinnedBundle.css" title="aqua" media="all" type="text/css" rel="alternate stylesheet">
            <link href="/myWarContext/gzip_f45cd4b558411325870d176719fe872.blueSky/css/skinnedBundle.css" title="blueSky" media="all" type="text/css" rel="alternate stylesheet">

Jawr provides also a Javascript generator skinSwitcher, whose defined a function to switch from one skin to another.
You need to add the skinSwitcher to a JS bundle and then you will be able to use the following function.


The above code snippet will set the current user skin to “aqua” in the cookie and it will switch the current skin to “aqua”.  For more information about the skinSwitcher generator, please take a look at the generators documentation.

To sum up:

Attribute name Type Purpose Default value
src String The bundle path none
media String The media attribute of the stylesheet none
useRandomParam Boolean The flag indicating if we must use random parameter in debug mode true
alternate Boolean This flag is used to render link as an alternate style false
title String The title to use for the style none
displayAlternate Boolean This flag is used to render the skin variants of the CSS bundle as alternate style false
  • src This attribute defines the CSS bundle path to use.
  • src This attribute defines the CSS bundle path to use.
  • alternate This attribute allows you to define the CSS bundle as an alternate style.
  • title This attribute allows you to define the title attribute of the stylesheet link.
  • displayAlternate This attribute allows you to render all the skin variants of the CSS bundle as alternate styles.

The image tags

Jawr provides 3 tags for images. One tag will generate an HTML image, the second will generate an input image, and the last one will display the url generated by Jawr to reference an image.

All tags have a src attribute in which you specify the path to the image. In either case, the generated URL will contains :

  • The image servlet mapping if it exists
  • A prefix with the hash code of the image file.

This is used to define a unique URL depending on the content of the image file. The property jawr.image.hash.algorithm is used to define which hash algorithm should be used. The default one is CRC32.

                        Display the HTML image tag. 
        <jwr:img src="/img/icons/ok.png"/>

                        Display input image tag. 
        <jwr:image src="/img/icons/add.png" />

                        Display the url generated by Jawr to reference the clock image. 
        The url of the clock image is : <jwr:imagePath src="/img/icons/clock.png" />

If the image servlet mapping is set to “/jawrImg”, the result will look like :

                        Display the HTML image tag. 
        <img src="/jawrImg/cb2654321654/img/icons/ok.png"/>

                        Display input image tag. 
        <input type="image" src="jawrImg/cb46543132165/img/icons/add.png" />

                        Display the url generated by Jawr to reference the clock image. 
        The url of the clock image is : jawrImg/cb465465321/img/icons/clock.png
  • base64 encoded images

It is also possible to generate base64 encoded image with any image tags using the property base64 as followed.

                            Display the HTML image tag. 
            <jwr:img src="/img/icons/ok.png" base64="true"/>


This will generate something like :

<div class="source">

                            Display the HTML image tag. 
            <img src="...Z7oYAAAAASUVORK5CYII="/>


It is important to note that Jawr will generate the base64 encoded image for all browsers except IE6 and IE7, which doesn’t handle base64 encoded image.

How to skip/modify the context path

The context path can be replaced or removed from all generated URLs if you set the jawr.url.contextpath.override configuration param to some value at the config properties file. This can be useful when you are serving your application behind an HTTP server. The values for this param can be:

  • /aCustomPathPrefix: Set a custom prefix for URLs to be used instead of the context path.
  • /: Skip the context path, all URLs are relative to the domain (as in /global01/bundles/global.js).
  • [declare but leave value empty]: Skip the context path, all URLs are relative to the page (as in global01/bundles/global.js).
  • [not declared at all]: Use the context path, this is the default behavior.

EL Expressions

The taglibs accept EL expressions out of the box on servers that support it. If you run on a servlet container of version 2.3, however, you will need some tweaking to use EL with Jawr tags. Note that even if you use a 2.4 or greater container, you still need to declare the proper web application version in web.xml. There is a very good explanation of this at this page

So what do you need to use EL on an older container? The first thing you need is to add an additional dependency on the Apache standard taglib implementation. If you use Maven, just add this to your POM:


If you are not using Maven, then head to the apache taglib project page and download the jar from there.

The other thing you need to do is to change the taglib import in JSP pages, to use a special version that supports EL using the Apache STL implementation. The proper import declaration would be:

        <%@ taglib uri="" prefix="jwr" %>

With the library in place and using this import declaration, you should be able to use EL expressions in your application.