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The version 3.5 and 3.6 are not backward compatible.
We’ve tried to make this transition as simple as possible.
You will find below a migration guide to migrate from 3.5.x to 3.6.

Migration Guide from 3.5.x to 3.6

  • Image resource handling :

Before the 3.6 version, Jawr used a specific type for image handling (img). Since 3.6, Jawr introduces a more general binary handler component, which can manages every binary resources (images, fonts, …).
So you will have to update your web.xml file like below.

Here is a example of a web.xml configuration before the 3.6 version :

                    <!-- init-param>
                    </init-param -->
                    <!-- Start Jawr Img servlet before Jawr CSS servlet -->

You’ll have to update the type init-parameter from img to binary.

                    <!-- init-param>
                    </init-param -->
                    <!-- Start Jawr Binary servlet before Jawr CSS servlet -->

It’s important to note that for previous version, this servlet should be started before the CSS one.

  • Jawr configuration

There are 2 properties which have been renamed :

  • The property jawr.image.hash.algorithm has been renamed to jawr.binary.hash.algorithm.
  • The property jawr.image.resources has been renamed to jawr.binary.resources.
  • Advanced development :
    • Image Resource Handler :

Jawr used internally a specific handler for image : net.jawr.web.resource.ImageResourcesHandler. This class has been refactored to net.jawr.web.resource.BinaryResourcesHandler.
To retrieve this handler, Jawr used below code :

                ImageResourcesHandler imgRsHandler = (ImageResourcesHandler) servletContext.getAttribute(

Now, you’ll have to use :

                BinaryResourcesHandler binaryRsHandler = (BinaryResourcesHandler) servletContext.getAttribute(

One method has been renamed :

| Old method name in ImageResourcesHandler | New method name in ImageResourcesHandler | | public MapString, String getImageMap() | public MapString, String getBinaryPathMap() |

  • JMX

Before the 3.6 version, the MBean which handled images was named imgMBean. It has been renamed to binaryMBean.

Migration Guide from 3.3.x to 3.5

It is important to note that the 3.5 version requires at least the use of java 6 and servlet API 2.5, while the 3.3.x required at least the use of java 1.4 and servlet API 2.3

  • Jawr Project modules

For better maintainability, the Jawr project has been divided in multiple modules.

Since, the version 3.5, Jawr has the following modules :

  • jawr-core : The Jawr core module
  • jawr-wicket-extension : The Jawr wicket extension module
  • jawr-spring-2.0.x-extension : The Jawr spring 2.0.x extension module
  • jawr-dwr2.x-extension : The Jawr DWR 2.x extension module
  • jawr-dwr3.x-extension : The jawr DWR 3.x extension module
  • jawr-grails-extension : The jawr grails extension module

jawr-core : The jawr core module

Prior to the 3.5 version, the user used the jawr.jar (maven reference net.jawr:jawr-3.3.jar). Now the pom reference has changed. To used the new version, you need to replace the old jawr dependency by the following one :


Now to use the extensions, you’ll need to add them in your dependencies (See below for more detail)

jawr-wicket-extensions : The jawr wicket extension module

This module allows the integration of Jawr with Wicket. Please check the wicket integration documentation for more detail. The wicket version supported is 6.x versions. Here is the dependency to add to your pom to add this module.


jawr-spring-2.0.x-extension : The jawr spring 2.0.x integration module

This module allows the integration of jawr with spring 2.0.x. Please check the spring integration documentation for more detail. Unfortunately for the time being, there is no support for spring 2.5.x and spring 3.x. This will probably be done in a future release. If someone wants to help, he is welcome. Here is the dependency to add to your pom to add this module.


jawr-dwr-2.x-extension : The jawr dwr 2.x integration module

This module allows the integration of jawr with dwr 2.x. Please check the dwr integration documentation for more detail. Unfortunately for the time being, there is no support for dwr 3.x. This will probably be done in a future release. If someone wants to help, he is welcome. Here is the dependency to add to your pom to add this module :


jawr-grails-extension : The jawr grails integration module

This module allows the integration of jawr with grails. Please check the grails integration documentation for more detail. Here is the dependency to add to your pom to add this module :

  • Generators

Since the version 3.5, Jawr allows the users to define their custom GeneratorPathResolver. This means that the users can now define generators, which will be triggered by prefix path (like built-in ‘jar:’ or ‘message:’ prefixes) or with for example a specific path suffix (like ‘*.less’ resources).

In the version 3.3.x, the generator should implement the method “getMappingPrefix”. This method has been replaced by “ResourceGeneratorResolver getResolver()” method. Jawr defines built-in ResourceGeneratorResolvers :

  • net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.generator.resolver.PrefixedPathResolver : For prefix path resolver
  • net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.generator.resolver.SuffixedPathResolver : For suffix path resolver

To replace the following your custom generator, you need to replace

                                                    public class SampleJsGenerator extends AbstractJavascriptGenerator {

                                                            /* (non-Javadoc)
                                                             * @see net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.generator.ResourceGenerator#getResolver()
                                                            public String getMappingPrefix() {
                                                                    return "foo";


With the following :

                                                    public class SampleJsGenerator extends AbstractJavascriptGenerator {

                                                            /** The resolver */
                                                            private ResourceGeneratorResolver resolver;

                                                            public SampleJsGenerator(){

                                                                    resolver = new PrefixedPathResolver("foo");

                                                            /* (non-Javadoc)
                                                             * @see net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.generator.ResourceGenerator#getResolver()
                                                            public ResourceGeneratorResolver getResolver() {
                                                                    return resolver;

  • ResourceBundlePathsIterator :

Jawr use internally a object to iterate over resource bundle path.
The signature of the following method has changed :

| Old method name in ResourceBundlePathsIterator | New method name in ResourceBundlePathsIterator | | public String nextPath() | public BundlePath nextPath() |

  • JSF namespace :

From version 3.3.x to 3.5 the jsf namespace has changed.

Namespace until 3.3.x was :


Namespace since 3.5 version is :
