To increase performance, Jawr generates IDs (hashcode) for each bundles, which is integrated in the resource URL, so the browser will be able to cache a bundle if it didn’t change.
By default, Jawr uses the String hashcode method to define the ID of the bundle.
Since the version 3.3, Jawr allows users to define their own hashcode bundle generator.
A new interface net.jawr.web.resource.bundle.hashcode.BundleHashcodeGenerator has been created to allow the user to define their own hashcode bundle generator.
To set the bundle Hashcode generator which you want to use, you should use the following jawr configuration property.
Property name | Type | Purpose | Default value |
jawr.bundle.hashcode.generator | String | The class name of the hashcode bundle generator or MD5 if you want to use the MD5 algorithm for the hashcode. | none |